Monday, October 25, 2010

My life is bi/tri-lingual

Ну, здравствуй всем! Как обычно, я думала о блоге когда я должна думать о работе.  И тоже как обычно, я не могла больше работать перед тем, как я писала что-то.

I've decided, for the time being, to write this blog even though I'm stateside and the original purpose of this was for a sort of abroad-journal type thing.  As you can tell by the start of this post, and the title, since I'm not abroad, I had to write about something else.  J'ai realisé recently that my thoughts tend to be kind of scrambled between the three languages that I know best, и так, я хотела вам показать немножко как это жить в моем голове.  My apologies to those of you who do not speak all three of these languages, but it can't be helped.

Честно говоря, я гуляю или хожу по кампусе и я всегда switch back and forth between Russian, English, and occasionally French. And I don't mean like a word here and there. Full phrases, sentences, trains of thought develop in both languages.  Where my knowledge of Russian fails, I insert French or English.  When English doesn't fit my mood for one reason or another, I think in Russian.

It's kind of cool, until I realize that thinking so often in Russian is now affecting my ability to form a coherent paper in English. Or that might just be the lack of sleep. Не важно.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First post

So I'm a bit early starting this blog, but it's 4am on a Wednesday morning and I can't sleep, so I thought I'd do something (mildly) productive.

The idea of this blog WILL be as a study abroad journal, once I get there.  I've only got one last recommendation to send in and then my application will be complete. Here's hoping that I actually get to go where I want.

I'm also in the midst of starting to look for potential internships in Russia for next summer, so if you know anyone who knows anyone PLEASE let me know.

Anyway, after the 5 minutes of procrastination this provided, it's back to reading War and Peace.