Friday, July 1, 2011

Long time coming

Hello again, blogosphere!

Now that I'm back in St. Petersburg after being home for a month (where my dad constantly asked when I was going to post again) I decided a new post is probably long overdue.  In an effort to keep this entertaining, I'm not going to describe everything that's happened since the last post, but if any of you are interested in hearing more about any of the following events, please leave a comment or send me an email ('t judge, it's one I made a while ago).

Anyway, since May 15, here's what's happened:
  • The final banquet for ACTR, where we ate, drank and were merry. Also where each class performed a skit. I starred as a mosquito, while the other 3 in my group were a frog, a rooster (with a yellow tie as his петушок), and a bear (who wore my fur hat and some big winter gloves.
  • An interesting/pathetic adventure finding a wine as a gift for one professor
  • Returning home at around midnight to discover gifts my host family had left on my bed, immediately making me feel guilty.
  • Saying goodbye to my host family
  • Staying up all night because we were leaving for the airport at 3am (by which time sunrise was already starting--white nights!)
  • Flying home
  • Anticlimactic goodbyes to ACTR people, followed by getting lost on the way to my grandparents' apartment (despite having my grandfather in the back seat)
  • Visiting relatives in DC
  • Getting 2 wisdom teeth out, but getting WICKED swollen this time
  • Lazing around my house for almost an entire month
  • Watching the Stanley Cup finals with my Dad (BRUINS!!)
  • Going to a Katy Perry concert with my sister
  • Flying to Moscow via Heathrow, in first class for the first leg of the trip because my parents used almost all of their accumulated frequent flier miles (so awesome but makes me wonder how terrible my flight home in august will feel in comparison)
  • 2 days and 3 nights in Moscow; Red Square, lock bridge, Dior exhibit at the Pushkin, metro
  • 5 days guiding my family around St. Petersburg
  • Front row seats at a Marinsky production of Swan Lake (that's the Kirov for those of you still living in the Soviet era)
  • Cleaning my apartment with my parents, as my Dad was certain I had either bedbugs or fleas. Good news: I don't! Bad news: he first suggested this in the middle of the ballet, which then distracted me for the rest fo the performance.
  • 3 days of being independent (and lazy--have only eaten eggs, toast, and yogurt except for the attempt at oatmeal this morning)
also let me know if you want to know about the Dostoevsky tour and/or my trip to the south--hometowns of both Chekhov and Medea

More posts to come as I start my internship on Monday and tomorrow is "Dostoevsky Day" at Сенная Плошадь, which I plan to check out.

Please respond to let me know someone's still reading this and to tell me which adventure you'd like me to expand upon.

From SPb with love, Sasha

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